Pheasant require the right shelter, food and sanitary conditions in order to survive. Hen pheasants raised in Illinois from eggs originating in Illinois and reared under the provisions of this Act may be released but may be harvested only as provided … Illinois Public Land Pheasant Hunting . And it will recover only $1 million of that." When raising chickens you have to wait about 5-6 months for them to reach full maturity. From two brothers raising chicks in their parents’ garage to a family-owned and operated business raising over 40,000 birds annually, Kellenberger Game Farm, Inc. has served Chicagoland and the Midwest for over 30 years. But this is Illinois. But pheasant hunters around the state still have reason to smile: Illinois will spend $1.4 million this year to mate, hatch and raise ring-neck pheasants for hunting at 16 state conservation areas. Illinois Seed Quality CRP and Other Habitat Seed designed for Wildlife. How to Start Raising Baby Pheasants It is easiest to start by purchasing pheasant chicks, as this will give you only one or two age groups. Agriculture and Grassland Wildlife Program Note 1 6-3. Woodsway Kennel and Gambirds. They also had a pheasant raising program, but pheasants take a lot of space. Our breeders are selected to produce excellent birds from quality fliers to beautiful coloring. We breed, hatch, raise and sell flight conditioned game birds of various breeds. (tips can be applied to chukar partridge as well) Click a TIP TOPIC below for specific Tips for Raising Pheasants. These strikingly beautiful and hardy pheasants breed readily -and are, therefore, a great choice for beginners. So the dog and I dabble in put-and-take hunts. The Illinois Gun-A-Week Raffle is your chance to win 52 various and high quality firearms. If you have any questions regarding your pheasant hatching eggs or pheasant chicks we our knowledgeable staff is available to serve you. They also had a pheasant raising program, but pheasants take a lot of space. Photo essay by Chris Wright, Senior Editor, The Poultry Site. This matters because if you are raising them for meat, you might not want to wait that long. Aquaculture Permit allows breeding, hatching, propagating or raising of aquatic life, whether indigenous or nonindigenous. Breeding the Golden Pheasant: The Golden Pheasant or Red Golden Pheasant is one of the best known and easiest pheasants to keep and breed in backyard aviaries. However, you cannot breed this bird like other poultry birds – they produce babies during a specific time and that is between February and May. Ring-necked Pheasant in Illinois . Therefore, you will have up to 10 different age groups to care for during breeding season.