save hide report. 97% Upvoted. Leonardo "MkLeo" Lopez Perez or "Leo" is an Ultimate Joker player, and a former Wii U top professional Cloud and Marth main, from Mexico.
MK Leo player profile for Super Smash Bros. See MK Leo videos and find stats and data on their matchups and character usage. spoiler. share. As much as I love Zackray, he struggles with nerves. Losers Semi-Final 2 - 0 Glutonny. Zackray is very aggressive in neutral and advantage, he is very quick when it comes to gaining an advantage state and does everything in his power to keep it that way in order to get the stock. The Japanese pro started off strong against Leo, taking the first match with Wolf. Click to see spoiler. In a surprise turn, MkLeo decided to switch from Joker to Byleth in the third game — showing off some incredible skills with the character who was only released last month.He managed to easily finish off Maister to secure the Frostbite 2020 title. Zackray is very aggressive in neutral and advantage, he is very quick when it comes to gaining an advantage state and does everything in his power to keep it that way in order to get the stock. Posted by. Zackray used Wolf for the first three games, but eventually switched to fighting as R.O.B. Those who get knocked out of the lower bracket are out of the tournament. Nairo vs MK Leo. MKLeo is his country's best player and widely considered to be one of the best players in the world. share. 2.1k. In disadvantage he sets himself in a position in order to prevent as many possibilities the opponent has. Samsora vs MK Leo. Losers Final 3 - 0 Tweek. 228 comments.
Ultimate. Ultimate set at Super Smash Con 2019 Posted by Justin 'AdaptiveTrigger' Gordon • August 11, 2019 at 2:51 p.m. PDT | Comments: 10 Nairoby "Nairo" Quezada is a Super Smash Bros. Sort by. save hide report. zackray. Dude I love ult. spoiler. He is one of the best players in the world, ranked as the 2nd best Wii U player of all time on the PGR100. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Published on October 28, 2019. Click to see spoiler. Mkleo is very patient in neutral and very aggressive in advantage. Originally playing Ike, he later found tournament success with Lucina and Wolf before picking up Joker shortly after the character's release. Close. Published on February 24, 2020. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Published on October 28, 2019. Losers Quarter-Final 2 - 0 Samsora. Isami "T" Ikeda is a Wii U and Ultimate Link and player from Japan. (2019-08-11) MkLeo vs Zackray [Bo5] - Super Smash Con 2019 - Winners Quarters. MKLeo was in multiple last hit situations where his tournament life was on the line especially against Tea and Zackray, but he still came out on top. In 2019 López Pérez won the Super Smash Bros. EVO 2019 - Losers Eighths - Echo Fox MVG | MkLeo vs GW | zackray. He is ranked as the 3rd best Wii U player of all-time on the PGR100. He is also known for being the best Wii U Zero Suit Samus in the world and the first person to ever take a tournament over ZeRo in Smash 4. 76 comments. In disadvantage he sets himself in a position in order to prevent as many possibilities the opponent has. Loser’s Bracket ESAM vs Light Cosmos vs Dabuz. At his first appearance in North America for Frostbite 2017, T finished an underwhelming 49th after losing to Seagull Joe and Ally in pools. Switching back to Mr. Game and Watch, Maister had an even worse time — with MkLeo easily taking the lead with two stocks left. This thread is archived. Super Smash Con 2019 - Winners Quarters - GW | Zackray vs. FOX | MVG | Mkleo. level 1. As usual, MkLeo made use of Joker during this set. spoiler. Leonardo López Pérez (born January 20, 2001), also known as MkLeo or Leo, is a Mexican professional Super Smash Bros. player. best. It ended up being a one-sided battle, with MkLeo’s Joker soundly beating Zackray’s Wolf 2-0 to move on. He is widely considered the best Super Smash Bros. Casters: Vikkikitty.
... Zackray vs MK Leo. He is widely considered to be the best Super Smash Bros.
Raw emotional ending for the Zackray vs. MkLeo Super Smash Bros. 97% Upvoted. Super Smash Con 2019 - Winners Quarters - GW | Zackray vs. FOX | MVG | Mkleo. Mkleo is very patient in neutral and very aggressive in advantage. Yes, we're used after 7 installments to having a Summit based around Super Smash Bros. Melee, but this weekend, that's not the case. The losers of the winner’s bracket will still get another chance to compete against the winners of the lower bracket. best.
Ultimate player in the world, dominating the competitive scene since the game's release and being ranked 1st on the Fall 2019 PGRU. and Joker player with strong secondaries such as Mr. Game & Watch, Mario, Wolf, Pokémon Trainer, Lucina, and Wario from Tokyo, Japan. So heartbreaking for Zackray who … Casters: Vikkikitty. Ultimate player in the world, and is ranked number one in the Panda Global Rankings. Losers Round 1 2 - 0 Raito. Overcoming nerves is how you become the absolute best. Frostbite 2020- Grand Finals- Maister (W) vs. MkLeo (L) Ultimate. Ultimate. 4 months ago.