Miniature Herefords are not “dwarf cattle” or cross-breeds, but simply a scaled-down version of the standard Hereford and developed by the Largent family in Texas during the 1970s. The Dexter is a small breed with mature cows weighing between 600 and 700 lb and mature bulls weighing about 1,000 lb (450 kg). Advantages of miniature cow breeds. This is one-half to one-third the size of normal cattle. See more ideas about Miniature cows, Cow, Miniature cow breeds. These cattle were originally tri-purpose: milk, meat, and draft work. If one of the minis you maintain is a bull, and the other two are unrelated heifers or cows, you can breed them and your land is now not only healthier, but more cost-effective than if you were keeping one standard sized cow. Registered - We are adding a few Registered head of Mini Herefords, Lowline (Aberdeen) Angus and both of our herd bulls are registered as well. Why Miniature Cattle Breeds (Miniature Cows) Are the Perfect Animal for Modern Homesteading Farms and Ranches. Miniature Cattle Breeds ~ Size of Miniature Cows. Jennifer is a full-time homesteader who started her journey in the foothills of North Carolina in 2010. It is possible to also milk a mini cow and get a few gallons each day, though you have to kneel down to do it. Mini-milk cows are perfect for families who prefer cows milk to goats milk and wish to consume organic, hormone-free milk. Mini Highland Cows. Dexter cattle are a breed of cattle originating in Ireland. Being herd animals, several mini-cattle would be well suited to two or three acres. Due to the conditions of the Highlands, this breed has developed into a very hardy breed of cattle that are unlike any other breed. The Largents appreciated that not everyone wants, or can handle, large cattle so they set about breeding these small cattle over a 30-year period. Famed for its creamy milk, which has 18% more protein, 20% more calcium and 25% more butter fat than any other breed’s, the Jersey is the world’s favourite dairy cow after the Holstein and has a low carbon footprint. Beef Breeds - We are concentrating on beef breeds such as Lowline (Aberdeen) Angus and Miniature Herefords. Most visitors have never seen a cow so small or so cute. Use of the name Panda® in reference to cattle in any way is a product trademark infringement and will be dealt with accordingly. They can produce just enough milk for your needs. These days, over 20 breeds of mini cows exist, and the common varieties are generally much more affordable.