At the local powder-puff gym, you will see people lining up to use the lat pull down machine and maybe one lonesome soldier toiling away on the pull up bar. If you do pull-ups early in your workout, you might have to add a weighted belt. Bodyweight back workout: Video clip showing 1 of 3 sets of pull ups performed with 3 second static holds at middle and top positions for 3 reps I've just started doing lat pull downs instead to try and build up the lats to be able to even start using pulls ups for training!
Home About Us I dont know if its just me or what but I can barely do 2-3 correctly. If your shoulders are healthy, pulling behind the head is okay. Draw your shoulder blades together as you pull up to engage the middle back muscles. For some reason I always have a very difficult time with pull ups.
Of course, if you find them difficult, you can always use an assisted pull-up machine or a good spotter, or switch to the wide-grip pull-down, which is a solid substitute. Find out the most effective treatments for strained lower back muscles, pulled or torn upper and middle back muscles, and how to treat back pain in general. The more horizontal you are, the harder it is. Make the exercise easier by raising the bar and bring your body more vertical.