Katara forms her octopus stance and tries to hold them off. Was hatte sie bloss vor? Iroh's assault on Ba Sing Se eventually succeeds, and the vision of his youth is proven true, as he "recaptures" the city in the name of the Earth Kingdom. Kya, welche sich bemühte Iroh zu befreien bekam von dem Gespräch zwischen Zuko, Azula und Iroh nicht viel mit. Sort by. Despite the Dai Li trying to hide the war from everyone for so long, surely there are people in the city who had loved ones die during Iroh's seige. Iroh (singing): And they kiss so sweet that you've really got to meet the girls from Ba Sing Se!
Despite the Dai Li trying to hide the war from everyone for so long, surely there are people in the city who had loved ones die during Iroh's seige. Let's see some action! Sie liegt im nordöstlichen Teil des Kontinents. “Tales of Ba Sing Se”: “Leaves From the Vine” In what would otherwise be considered a filler episode, “Tales of Ba Sing Se” finally provides Iroh some well-deserved attention. Teenaged Iroh wakes up and goes to tell Ozai, his little child brother, and they hug about the prophetic vision, Ozai cries tears of … 96% Upvoted. The very opening scene of the show is a hazy vision of conquering Ba Sing Se, massive fires, tanks, him standing before the Earth King’s Palace. He was happy to serve tea with Zuko again. A realization I had about Iroh's Story from the episode "The Tales of Ba Sing Se" (Info-Graphic) Image. Entdecken Sie Ba Sing Se von Iroh bei Amazon Music.
A realization I had about Iroh's Story from the episode "The Tales of Ba Sing Se" (Info-Graphic) Image. Azula exudes a sadistic relish, as she watches her father burning her brother 's face, during an Agni Kai . Posted by 2 months ago. With Zach Tyler, Mae Whitman, Jack De Sena, Michaela Jill Murphy. "The Tale of Iroh" – Iroh interacts with and provides small kindnesses to various impoverished people in the outer city, before venturing out of the city to find a place to mark the birthday of his son, Lu-ten, who was killed in the siege of Ba Sing Se many years previous.
Iroh restrains his nephew. A series of short stories covering some of the time spent by Katara, Toph, Iroh, Sokka, Aang, Zuko and Momo as they live in Ba Sing Se. save hide report.
Not long after this, her cousin Lu Ten was killed, causing Iroh to abandon his legendary 600 day siege at Ba Sing Se, which in turn prompted Azula to dub him "a quitter and a loser". Ba Sing Se ist die gigantische Hauptstadt des Erdkönigreichs und heißt übersetzt „die uneinnehmbare Stadt“ (ein General macht einmal die Bemerkung, dass die Stadt ohne ihre Mauer „Na Sing Se“ heißen müsste (die einnehmbare Stadt). Dance!
2020 iroh ba sing se
iroh ba sing se
{{ links }} Broadsword Man: Hahaha! After Zuko's coronation, Iroh reopened the Jasmine Dragon, where the gang celebrated their triumph. We're talking a gold piece here! Nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner. "No way Ba Sing Se is falling!" As a member of the White Lotus, a secret society that looks past the boundaries of the four nations in the name of philosophy, beauty and truth, Iroh has dedicated his life to preserving balance in the world, whether it's through a counter-attack on an occupied Ba Sing Se or sharing a cup of tea with a stranger at the Jasmine Dragon. share. 1 1 2 1. But these colors are not used at random in this mega-city. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Ihm gelang es sogar, die als unzerstörbar geltenden Mauern von Ba Sing Se zu durchbrechen, doch schon bald darauf wurde er vom Dai Li zurückgedrängt. He intends to spend his retirement serving tea and playing Pai Sho "every day". Zuko only wears all green right after his moral coma, cause for that tiny gap in his life, he was enjoying life in ba sing se (and also that is the Jasmine Dragon uniform yes) General Iroh sings it while memorializing his son, Lu Ten. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei Amazon.de.